Tag: small business news

Can You Protect Your Child’s Inheritance From Their Spouse?

Can You Protect Your Child’s Inheritance From Their Spouse?

Business News
Many of our clients want to plan for their children’s future, when drafting their estate plans. However, some of our clients are concerned about their child’s spouse accessing the inheritance. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). While each client has different concerns and requires tailored estate planning, one question we often hear relates to protecting the inheritance of the spouse of their child. So can inheritance be protected from a spouse of your child? Yes, there are…
What is an Irrevocable Trust?

What is an Irrevocable Trust?

Business News
A trust is an estate planning tool that allows a person to control their assets during their lifetime and make provisions for incapacity and death. Many trusts are revocable, however, irrevocable trusts can be an incredibly useful way to plan for your future. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). One thing you should know about irrevocable trusts is that, unlike revocable or living trusts, irrevocable trusts cannot be changed or amended. They are set in stone. A…
Top 5 Reasons Not to Have an Estate Plan

Top 5 Reasons Not to Have an Estate Plan

Business News
We often hear many reasons why people do not have an estate plan or why they are putting off creating their estate plan. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). Here are the top five reasons why people don’t have an estate plan (and why these reasons shouldn’t prevent you from doing your estate plan today): I don’t have enough money, property, etc. Estate planning is not just about assets. Estate planning is a way to protect your…
Crepe cafe to open in St.  Petersburg Ark Innovation Center

Crepe cafe to open in St. Petersburg Ark Innovation Center

Business News
A new creperie and coffee shop is set to open inside the technology business incubator under construction in St. Petersburg. Point Chaud Coffee & Crepes signed a sublease to be in the Ark Innovation Center, the Tampa Bay Innovation Center announced in a news release Thursday. The cafe chain, founded in 2005, has roots in Washington, DC, and Maryland, and this will be its first Florida location. The cafe is designed to foster collaboration between business professionals, innovators and investors who will be at the incubator, the release said. It will have an outdoor patio and free internet. Point Chaud…
Are You Prepared for an Audit?

Are You Prepared for an Audit?

Business News
The Federal Government is constantly auditing healthcare entities. A recent Michigan settlement resulted in prison time and a hefty repayment for violations of the False Claims Act. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). If your compliance plan needs to be updated, now is the time. You want to make sure that your practice is protected so that you are not faced with a similar situation as a vascular surgeon from Bay City, Michigan. A vascular surgeon was…
Why Shouldn’t I Use an Online Will?

Why Shouldn’t I Use an Online Will?

Business News
Online will often do more harm than good. Many people look to the internet when preparing estate planning documents, like wills and trusts, but this can set you up for disaster. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). Online will often ‘one size fits all’ documents that don’t account for your particular situation. Sometimes, they don’t account for the current laws in your state. These documents may not even be legitimate and can lead to issues and misunderstandings…
What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

Business News
One document that we recommend for almost all of our estate planning clients is a Medical Durable Power of Attorney. This document allows you to select the person who will make medical decisions on your behalf, if you are incapacitated or unable to make them yourself. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). A Medical Durable Power of Attorney is an essential document, as no one can predict their incapacity. This legal document allows you to list medical…
What is the best health insurance?  individual health insurance quote

What is the best health insurance? individual health insurance quote

Business News
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. What is the best health insurance? Let’s face it, health insurance is a confusing topic. Nobody seems to understand it, but yet many people see the value in having it. What is the best health insurance to have and what features of a health insurance plan are most important? Very common questions to have, and as an insurance agent I come across these types of questions quite frequently. When finding a quote for health insurance, whether it be for a group or just yourself as an individual,…