Business News

What is a Medical Power of Attorney?


One document that we recommend for almost all of our estate planning clients is a Medical Durable Power of Attorney. This document allows you to select the person who will make medical decisions on your behalf, if you are incapacitated or unable to make them yourself.

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A Medical Durable Power of Attorney is an essential document, as no one can predict their incapacity.

This legal document allows you to list medical directions that you would like to follow.

It is important to choose a patient advocate that you know will follow your wishes and help ensure that you are taken care of in the manner that you would want.

You should discuss the relevant provisions with your patient advocate, and make sure that they are willing to act in the event of your incapacity.

It is also a good idea to have a backup person, in case your first patient advocate is unable to act.

When should you have a Medical Power of Attorney?

When you turn 18 or whatever age you are now.

As you are no longer a minor, you need to select who you want to be involved in healthcare decisions. This may be parents or relatives, but it should be in writing.

Powers of Attorney should be updated over time, as relationships and situations change.

If you have questions about Medical Powers of Attorney or need one updated or put in place, we can help.

Contact us today to help you get the right documents in place or to update your current estate plan. We will plan so that you don’t have to worry about your future.

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