Corporate Business Plan presented to council

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The newly developed Corporate Business Plan 2023–2026 was presented to city council during its regular August 22 meeting, aligning with council’s strategic plan as well as the 50-Year Community Vision.
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Council approved its Council Strategic Plan 2022-2032 in April 2022, giving direction to administration for council’s goals for the community over the next 10 years. To achieve those objectives, administration developed its own guiding document. These plans — underpinned by the 50-Year Community Vision — will carry the City forward over the course of the next four years.
“I am very excited to be presenting the Corporate Business Plan on behalf of administration. This is something new to the City: a four-year plan to carry us forward, ensuring our core service delivery is meeting both the community and council’s expectations,” said city manager Sue Howard. “I am proud of the work City staff have done to make this plan a reality. I look forward to our team continuing to serve this community by leading with integrity, trust, and resourcefulness.”
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In its strategic plan, the city council identified four goals: economy, safety, community, and the environment. Administration developed key actions that need to be accomplished over the next four years to progress towards achieving those goals. In addition to addressing the council’s priorities, three administrative priority areas were established, which will assist in maintaining the organizational strength and service delivery capacity of the organization. Administration’s priorities include:
• Team communication and collaboration.
• Building a harmonized vibrant work culture.
• Working together towards our community vision.
There are 28 initiatives identified in the Corporate Business Plan in support of both council and administrative priorities. These initiatives were chosen based on their ability to provide the greatest result while also ensuring that the administration has capacity to implement these efforts while not compromising service delivery to the community.
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With this roadmap in hand, the Corporate Business Plan will help the City plan for success and respond to challenges with innovation and creativity — while demonstrating to council the progress administration has made on their goals. The plan holds administration accountable while setting realistic, achievable workloads for City employees.
Moving forward, the Corporate Business Plan will aid each City department in developing their own department plans and incorporate the visions of these plans into their priority-based budgets. Administration will be reporting back to council quarterly on the City’s progress on the plan’s initiatives.
—City of Wetaskiwin